When Did It Fade ?

You used to always hold my hand,
my heart does not understand.
Why you have turned away,
A place in your mind so far away.
Looks my way have all but ceased,
I'm filled with loneliness, instead of peace.
A kind word, a caring touch,
Have all faded so much.
My heart is empty, feels so old,
Remembering a love gone cold.
When did we, choose separate ways,
To be more friends than our loving days.
Thank you for your recent comment on my blog, btw. I only wish things were so simple ... I'm not sure that I clearly explained just exactly how terribly lonely my existence is at home in my own apartment. Despite my attempts, I have not been able to make any friends here in my native NS. I can go for days without seeing anyone or interacting since I work from home as a freelance writer (when I get work) ...!
Really, it's like choosing 1 hell or the other ... The lesser evil? (And my mom started up again this visit, just tonight, saying things that clearly suggest she has little idea what I'm all about or how much pain I'm feeling!)
Something has got to change for the better very soon and I don't know that I will have the strength to make it ...
: (
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