Waterslide Day !

Well, today is waterslide day for the kids at school. A great way to celebrate the end of the school year.
This is the one and only field trip I refuse to participate in each year.
Somehow I do not relish the idea of squeezing myself into something that resembles a bathing suit. Whilst my glow in the dark skin be subjected to our 35 degree celsius heat wave. Only to return home looking like a lobster and sporting waterblisters burned into my skin, and not being able to sit or wear clothing for days.
Or maybe it is something to do with the fact that there are hundreds of little heathens running around ( mine included ) who seem to have lost all sense of control, and run by not worrying who they have tripped over, run into, stepped on, or yelled into their ear.
One thing is for sure, even though I am not joining in all this FUN, I am sure to have some suprises upon my children's return.
One will return home with only one shoe. We will have someone else's towels. The newly bought beach umbrella will be broken. My son will have some kind of scape. There will be sunburn, along with promises that they put it on about 100 times. And something will have been left there, which will warrant a return trip there to retrieve it.
Ahhhh, a relaxing day at the waterslides. Bliss.
Well, here you have the opportunity to know me better than those actual creeps I once considered "friends" ... by reading my blogs, for starters.
Thank you for the friendship.
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