
The last couple of weekends were taken up with dance recitals. I know for people who do not have children involved it may seem like a boring way to spend ones time. Kind of like watching a grade 7 class band massacre the "Na-na Na-na, Na-na Na-na, Hey Eh Eh, Go-od Bye song.
These however were especially good. The recitals were very professionally put together, the sound was great. Music choices excellent, and dancing superb. And I am not just saying that because my daughter dances.
She is training in Highland Dance, something different, as last year was tap dancing. This is a very physically demanding type of dance, and she is loving it. After seeing the other dances in the production, she has decided to try jazz as well. It is an area where I believe she will be great at as well.
So, jazz class here we come ! I just hope the shoes are not as hard to lace and tie as the Highland ones.
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