Monday, July 30, 2007

Ahh, Camping

Camping at Keefer Lake got off to a rough start I would have to say. The first thing I did when we got there and registered at the office, was miss the last stair on the way down, fall, and sprain my stupid ankle. It STILL hurts for cryin' out loud.
But, things got better. Wildlife was in abundance, we saw many deer, hawks, loons, chipmunks. And for the first time ever for me, a grizzly bear and a Moose with her calf !!! Fantastic !!!
The weather was so so, the fishing relaxing as always. The beer never tasted better.
All in all, not too shabby. Even if I did fall down in front of everyone, just about start crying and then swear in front of my kids and limp all weekend.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Thing Of Beauty

You should have seen me....a thing of beauty, pure grace and elegance.... NOT !!!!
My gawd !
First week of my new job at a Dr.'s clinic and what do I do ?????
In all my daintiness, make my way across the office, gently perch my derrierre ( aka Big Butt ) upon my desk chair and in a move only described as..........
TOTAL COMPLETE BULL IN A CHINA SHOP........ fell off my chair onto the floor with my chair clunking down on top of me.... #@^%!!!$
Oh yeah - in front of everyone of course too !

Monday, July 09, 2007

Wowie Wow Wow !

I just saw this movie, and holy moly ! What a visually stunning one it was. Amazing. I was excited to go see it, because the trailers special effects looked awesome. I went in expecting some snazzy stuff and not a lot of "movie" But it was pretty good all around - there was some pretty cute and funny parts. Overall....... LOVED IT !!!!!
This is one I'll be buying.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Damn Mosquitos !

Besides the rain, cold and was a good camping trip.
It is amazing that an insect as tiny as a mosquito can wreak so much havoc.
I mean really, you either come away an itchy festering bump, or, with a third nipple from all the toxic spray you've been soaking in. Kinda lose, lose, I would think..... unless you're into the third nipple thing.
Anyway, I digress.
Which brings me to thinking - how come you can't HEAR the mosquitoes buzzing insesently around you in the daytime ?!?
Why is it that you can only hear them - when you are trying to sleep. And cannot see them to smash their little faces in anyway.
I think they do it on purpose, it is like their way of saying " Na Na Na Boo Boo - you can't get me !!! "
Not to mention the fact they know that they have worn you down already during the day from ingesting half your blood, and there is next to nothing you can do now.
Yup - tiny tiny creature, big big pain in the....
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