What Did You Say ?!?!

Have you ever mis-heard someone on the phone ? Yeah, well today was doozy... and it was at work of course, not to mention embarrasing. It was one of those ones where you are left sounding like a total idiot. Did I mention it was embarrasing ???
Now, before I go any further.. In my defense, working at a kennel I have heard so many different names that nothing phases me anymore, so I normally don't bat an eyelash when an unusal one comes up. Until today...
Here is how the conversation unfolds : (customer = C / Me = well, Me )
Me : Fortune Creek Kennels, Lisa speaking.
C : Hi, I would like to book my dog for boarding please.
Me : Sure, have you boarded here before ?
C : Yes.
( all pretty normal so far eh... well here is where things kinda turn for the worse)
Me : Ok, your dog's name ?
C : Crotch
Me : ( silence fills the air )....
Me : Uhmmm, Crotch sir ???
C : Yes
Me : Gee well we sure have heard some different names, but I have to say that this is the first Crotch we've had
( yes, I actually said that )
C: No, no, not Crotch.....Clutch... c.l.u.t.c.h.
Sigh, enough said..... literally.
LOL! Lisa! Crotch! LOL! ROTFL! Can't stop laughing!
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