That's It For Me !

Sooooo, what happens when you never pay a ticket ? Anyone know. Because I think I got a parking ticket the other day. I know you are all saying to yourselves right now 'she thinks she got a ticket ?' and yes, I am blonde.
Anyhoo, I had been visiting my mom at her work, and when finished, left on my merry way. Jamming out to some righteous tunage like 'Baby Don't Hurt Me, Don't Hurt Me, No More' - oh yeah, everyone knows the one. And it started to rain...... that was the beginning of the end for me.
So I am singing out loud in my vehicle, jerking my head about just like the movie 'Night At The Roxbury' as it is an automatic reaction for EVERYONE I am sure, when that song comes on, anyhoo I digress.
When finally I can no longer see because of the pelting down rain, I do as any responsible driver would do and turn on my windshield wipers.
That's when it happened......
In mid vocal and head shake I see something flap off of my windshield and flutter down the highway behind me and slap some other vehicle in the face........hmmmmmm.
Parking Ticket ? It would be safe to assume as I did not plug the meter. Dumb Ass ! Why didn't I plug the meter !
So now I am sure that they are looking for me. They will never break me ! I won't talk ! I have a family ! PULLLEEAAASSEEEE DON'T SEND ME TO JAAAAILLLLLL - Wahhhhhhhh !
Yes, as a matter of fact I do know what will happen if you don't pay the ticket.
Eventually a sherrif will come to your door, with a summons to appear in court, enabling you the right to fight the fact you didn't pay, or the alternative is pay the ticket which was $5 and has now turned in to $40. is not that I have ever done this (afterall I am your MOM) I just happens to know...smiling sweetly.
Good to see you posting again, I love to read your blog
actually, a sheriff will come to the door, not a dessert armed with a summons
and your mother?? well
anyway, you will not be able to leave Lawrenceville
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