Yup, that's right. Crazy Ol' Lady.
So, I have been at my new job for about a month. And as you might remember I used to work at a kennel, and many a blog revolved around the topic of dog poop. Exciting stuff, I know.
Anyhoo, here I thought that working in a natural medicine clinic, all my poo woes were out the window... or flushed down the toilet.... or whatever. Apparently not !
There is this little old lady that comes to the clinic about once a week. And as soon as I see her make her way up the walk. I know I am in for an ear full.
Now I try to be understanding, I really do. BUT C'MON !!! Just because I work in a clinic does not mean that I have the right or need to hear the most personal stories of your health. I am the friggin' receptionist.
Do I have a sign posted on my forhead or something that says : " Please, tell me all about your hairy growth on the side of your neck." Or any other number of ailments.
I digress. So back to the old lady making her way up the walk... well, she cornered me. And in her innocent little old lady way, proceeded to tell me that she had 30 bouts of diahrea that day and that she was just fading away. Please remember that this an old lady, which means that not only was she talking really loud, but repeating herself over and over.
Also, what killed me was it was in "old person speak" It was like this :
"You know Lisa, I've had 30 bouts of 'the diahera' today." Like you might say " the plague" or "the sickness"
Ahhh, sooooo. My shitty situations still prevail. HA HA shitty situations... I crack me up.
I am sure you will hear many a poo tale here yet. Who knows, maybe I will jazz things up with a story about a boil on someones back that burst in the office. Or better yet some weird rash.
Yup, you gotta love em', crazy ol' ladies.