Boo !

The evening was a success ! I was kind of dreading having nine dressed up kids running amok in the house, jacked up on sugar. But it was FUN !
My house was decorated : cobwebs, spiders, skelatons, black lights, ghosts, red lights, spooky music. The whole shebang !
I ( sooo not a baker ) even made cool halloween goodies. I made slime jellow with gummy worms, punch with floating hands in it, fruit and veggie tray shaped into a skelaton, ghost cookies, and bug crackers.
And I even got a touch of ol' Martha in me. Have no idea what came over me. I made tassled bookmarks and had the kids decorated them with halloween stickers and glitter glue. Then after we played stick the wart on the witch's nose, we made handprint spider pictures complete with googly eyes. I had the tell spooky stories, played freeze dance, tried to see who could last the longest with out laughing, all sorts of things.
The kids looked great, and even I dressed up !
The kids went home with their little goodie bag tired, having had fun. My children were happy, the party was a success !
Today I think I will take them to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins !
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