My Wit's End

Well, I am plum out of ideas and the Teachers have only been on strike since October 7th. It already feels longer than summer break !
Maybe that is because it has been raining for what seems like a year strait !
How many things can you do inside before brother and sister inevitably start "play" wrestling which eventually escalates into a test to see who can make the other cry first, while using the bedrooms as the as the "Main Event" ring utilizing the bed pillows, blankets and whatever else they can get their grubby little hands on.
I have already covered : coloring, reading, puzzles, baking cookies, molding clay, painting, computer time, tv time, card games, board games, army men, barbies, giving them an extra bath just to kill time........ any other suggestions.....
Finally, after a zillion days inside, I said out you go, you are not going to melt out there. I guess I got what I deserved....
When called in for dinner I received..... A muddy, sopping, puddle that used to resemble my son. Boys will be boys.
In the boot room, removing every piece of clothing and carrying him at arms length to the tub, he happily chatted about how he "took air" on his bike, and that it was fun to skid through the mud. I could have guessed that part from the back tire spray marks up the back of his coat
Then he and the neighbourhood boys played "army" which of course included belly crawls through the "jungle" and diving into "fox holes"
After that it was the plain ol rainy day pastime of finding all of the worms out on the wet road and seeing how far they can stretch before they snap, and do they really grow a new rest of their body?
My daughter on the other hand graced me with the sound of pre-teen pop music blaring from the karoke machine in her room accompanied by none other than herself. When I give up knocking on her door to tell her dinner is ready I barge in to find a mass of lip gloss, blush, bracelets, eyeshadow, 85 pounds of perfume, and each fingernail a different color.
After 1/2 hr. of washing it all off, we settled down to dinner.
This was 1 day, I wonder what we will do tomorrow ?
This post only makes my resolve of visiting you and your kids once stronger. And this visit I don't know when in this lifetime it's going to happen.
Really loved this post! What are their names?
Kind comment,thanks
They are Kayla & Chase
Thanks James !
I told you there would be days that you would be payed back!!! Ha Ha Ha!
....Love Mom
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