Polson Park

Well, today's the day that my children learned a different side of me...
While on a stroll with my kids at Polson Park, we were at the exact place that the picture shows, these are our japanese gardens. My daughter, curious about nature, saw a water skimmer in the pond, as she bent down to see she slipped and fell into the pond AND split her pants in the backend.
I could not even breathe I was laughing so hard, and here my poor daughter is in wet, now ventilated, jeans !!!
Have you ever tried to explain to a child that it IS indeed funny when someone falls down. This has been a shortcoming in me that I believe I was born with ( as my mother takes great joy in others physical mishaps as well)
Now when a kid trips, falls down, bonks themselves or skins something their immediate reaction is to cry because they scared themselves and are worried that they are hurt, and are kind of embarrased if anyone saw. So while I am keeled over with laughter my poor daughter is on the verge of tears, glancing around to see if anyone saw, and with anger in her voice and all the venom she can muster yells "It's Not Funny !!!" That only seems to promote more laughter in me, and I am about to pass out from lack of air.
Finally, my gales of laughter subside, and I now have to explain that I knew she was not hurt, and that I was not making fun of her. Yeah Right - that went over well. But as things mellowed out and it almost seem to be forgotten, I could not help but murmer "Well, it was funny" I could not just leave things be.
Even to this day I can remember various situations in which I could be of no use to anyone for laughing at someone falling, tripping, or something of the like. This does not mean that I am not concerned, or empathetic, but I mean c'mon IT IS FUNNY.
I can replay those events in my mind and catch every detail of the suprised bunging eyes, the contorted face, the body flailing about. How could you not laugh ??
Do I have issues ??? I blame my mother for this trait !!!! - LOL
That's not a very trait that others around you would find very useful in you! ;)
The conclusion, sometimes, could be that you are insensitive. Whereas in reality you might not be.
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