The Big One

.... Yesterday was my birthday, and as you can guess by the picture it was quite a monumental one ! ( For me anyway ) Besides having a coronary everytime I realize I can no longer say that I am in my 20's I am doing ok.
Although.....according to the lady at the spa, that is not the case.
I was treated to a facial and massage for a birthday present, and I was beyond excited. I have a bad neck so this was going to be PERFECT.... or so I thought.
While I was in the midst of a most relaxing massage I sighed, " what a way to start my decline into middle age" meaning that is where I am headed now.
BUT - the oh so nice spa lady says " oh its your birthday, you're 40 ?
WELL LET ME TELL YOU - that was it for relaxing. Whaddaya mean 40. Geeze. I was paranoid for months that I was turning 30, now I might as well be 50.
Tell me, how can you relax and enjoy a massage, while you are vulnerably covered with only a thin sheet as it is, and now you have just been aged 10 years.
I think I am going to eat my entire birthday cake tonight !!! That oughta show her....... right ??????
Hi Lisa!
Wish you a very very Happy Birthday! :)
30, 40 or 50! age doesn't matter! Attitude is everything! And you have a wonderful attitude! :)
Have a great day!
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