Out for a walk

I know it must seem weird for me to have a line drawing of a lower jaw bone.... but there is a sane reason.... really there is. PROMISE.
I was out for a hike with my dog Buddy yesterday and began to get nervous when I came across a couple of Bear "markings" along the way. Especially because we suprised one the other day. I probably should not be walking up there alone, but so be it. My fearless companion will save me..... all 10lbs of him - hee hee hee.
Anyways.... back to the jaw bone picture. Well we are walking along, me talking loudly to Buddy, singing, shuffling my feet. Anything to generate plenty of noise. Halfway through I look down and see this funny looking piece of "wood" with strange "bumps" on it. Upon further inspection I realized that it was the right lower jaw of some kind of animal !
Now for someone who in their childhood days wanted to be an archaeologist - this was pretty cool. So I took it home, and showed the kids when they got back from school, they thought it was pretty neat that Mommy was a bone finder and was willing to touch it with bare hands and everything.
I spent part of the evening surfing the net to see if I could identify it. This is what I found. It is most definately canine. I have narrowed it down to more than likely to be that of a coyote.
I wonder if Indiana Jones is hiring !! - ha ha ha
Good one Lisa! :)
I like the enthu with which you interact with your kids! :)
Overall, through your blog I have come to like you a lot! :)
So, you wanted to be an archaelogist? (whatever's the right spelling)
I don't think I can remember what I wanted to be!! I am whatever I am! So dumb na?!! :))) LOL!
That was an invaluable comment on my blog!
Your words about parents and children really touched my heart. Thanks so much! Living the life that they have given us to the fullest becomes so significant if seen in the light of your words! I am grateful to you for the perspective you have given.
Regarding natural disasters, am totally with you. God is giving us a chance at every stage. And we let it go by thinking it will never happen to us, so why worry! Very sad state of affairs. We need to improve our way of living and looking at the environment around us!
Lisa, this is probably one of the best comments I have recieved on my blog! Thanks so much! :)
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