Now This Here's What They Call An R.V. - To Quote Cousin Eddie

Well, we brought this puppy home from Kamloops on Saturday.
Our new (to us anyway) old, tent trailer.
It is like heaven lookin' at her. No more friggin' tent. I tell ya, we have fairly big tent and I don't think that with two kids, a dog, your gear, and leaky air mattresses, coupled with rain and being stuck in their playing "Go Fish" until you suffocate in the carbon dioxide your breathing at each other..that any tent can feel "big" enough.
I mean c'mon, what is with a tent that even if you don't drink you come crawling out of there in the morning looking and feeling like you have been on a bender ! Gawd. Then there was the time that I actually was a bit....... ah, I better not go there.
So even if I might be considered a "red neck" with our newly aquired camping apparatus, I don't care ! I am going to be dry, I don't have to sleep on an air mattress, and I will be able to beathe : oh yes and the most important thing.... I CAN STAND UP TO GET DRESSED !!!
Have you ever tried to get dressed in a tent on an air mattresses? First trying to stand up and balance on the stupid thing, and then crashing down to the ground and sweating while you roll around trying to reach your feet to put on some socks. MAN THAT SUCKS.
Then there is the thing with our kids insisting that one of us each sleeps with a kid. So then you have an unbalanced mattress. I think we almost shot them out of the tent when we layed down.
So, it might not be new, it might be considered "not real camping" But I am too old to try and crawl my ass out of a tent and expect to be in a good mood the rest of the day.
So, Yeeeeehhhaaawwwww. Look out Griswald's 'cause here we come !!!!!
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