Thursday, June 21, 2007

What Did You Say ?!?!

Have you ever mis-heard someone on the phone ? Yeah, well today was doozy... and it was at work of course, not to mention embarrasing. It was one of those ones where you are left sounding like a total idiot. Did I mention it was embarrasing ???
Now, before I go any further.. In my defense, working at a kennel I have heard so many different names that nothing phases me anymore, so I normally don't bat an eyelash when an unusal one comes up. Until today...
Here is how the conversation unfolds : (customer = C / Me = well, Me )
Me : Fortune Creek Kennels, Lisa speaking.
C : Hi, I would like to book my dog for boarding please.
Me : Sure, have you boarded here before ?
C : Yes.
( all pretty normal so far eh... well here is where things kinda turn for the worse)
Me : Ok, your dog's name ?
C : Crotch
Me : ( silence fills the air )....
Me : Uhmmm, Crotch sir ???
C : Yes
Me : Gee well we sure have heard some different names, but I have to say that this is the first Crotch we've had
( yes, I actually said that )
C: No, no, not Crotch.....Clutch... c.l.u.t.c.h.
Sigh, enough said..... literally.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Keepin' The Kids Busy

I am a big believer in keeping the kids healthy and active. I tell ya, motherhood is a much easier job if the kids are tuckered out after plenty of fresh air and fun. It is a lot less stressful and there are a lot less fights.
Speaking of fights, what is it with siblings ! My gawd, no one told me about how much they would argue and bicker and nit-pick. Geesh ! I thinkt hat is the hardest for me. I am an only child, so it just seems horrendous to me, not matter how much everyone re-assures me that it is completely normal.
For some reason, my method of making them hug and say I'm sorry and love you after they fight is not working..........HHAHAHAHAHA no big suprise there eh !
Pics above are from a homerun of Chase's and Kayla climbing the rock wall during a field trip.
Good Times !

Monday, June 11, 2007

I'll Be Back

Remember the Terminator... " I'll be back" and he was, and now, so am I.
I have decided that it is no excuse that I have been run off me feet for the past few months, there should always be time for a good blogging.
There is a lot of new things going on in my life too. I will be starting a new job, and of course the last two months of the school year can keep any parent running.
This evening when I get home after work and after basball practice and homework and showers and reading time.... I will settle into this chair and see if I cannot tape my eyelids open or something and get in a good blog. I will also catch up on the ones I have missed reading.
So everyone...... I'm Ba-ack !
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