Boring ???
Ok, sooooo I am new to blogging and have been surfing other peoples entries, and it seems like fun to me. There are so many different kinds.... diary type, business type, emotional outlet type.. etc. I love read others comments that have been made. What I would like to know is this.......Do I have the most boring blog out there right now ????????I am kind of sad that there have been no comments on mine. ( waaaa )It is sort of like being picked last for the team in gym all those years ago in grade 6. ( I still have issues from that - hee hee)So this is an invitation for comment, advice, anything. I know I do not have barely any entries BUT PUULLLEEAASSSEEE.Thanks to all for listening to my whine session for today.
Facing It All
It is so dark, only the moolight casts a glowThe hidden figures surround me, faces they will not show.Fighting the unseen, such a battle rages onFrom the inside out, demon and pawn.Music from everywhere and nowhere at allI feel myself being drawn to the midnight call.What will I find, what will find meAll my fears and angers staring back at me.
Why ?
I am sitting here, wondering, why are things they way they are ? Why is there so much pain and hurt in the world? Really, it has been true since the dawn of time. It seems like human nature to be extreme. There seems to be no middle spectrum. People either love or they hate. It is no shock that humans will be the cause of their own demise. Obsessed with power, full of greed, and lacking in empathy and compassion, the world will slowly die away.
A Right To Live, A Right To Die

Who can say we live or die, who makes the choice.How come as I lie here no one hears my voice.I struggle to make them see, that I am ready now,To leave this life behind me, take my final bow.But those who have never met me, known me, or cared,Feel it is their right to decide that I should be spared.All my strength has left me, broken and alone,The only thing that escapes me, is a soft and painful moan.Please let me slip, quietly in peace,For I am ready now, for all my pain to cease.
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