I HATE Grocery Shopping !

I think they ( you know, the famous "they" ) are out to get you, and make it impossible for you to shop for evrything at one place and not spend your life savings.
Then there is the people. Can you get out of my WAY !!! I am not there to meet up with my friends in the middle of the aisle and block the way for those of us trying to complete a mission, which appaprently is why the rest of you came. It is like they don't undersand that only two carts can fit, and when I am standing there patiently with a pleasant grin plastered on my face, that really I am thinking " You stupid morons, get the hell outta the way " " Can't you see that I have kids that are on the verge of World War III "
Now, no offence or anything, but for you elderly people. I understand that you are arthritic, and have to shuffle, and have trouble seeing, hence examining labels for weeks on end. BUT CAN YOU MOVE TO THE FREAKIN SIDE OF THE AISLE. There is no need to park it right in the middle. Then when I politely, with plastered grin on my face as mentioned above, I ask you to please excuse me... Don't look at me like I am from another planet and that you honestly thought there was no one else in the store. That is, after I repeated myself about 4 times because you are hard of hearing.
I have learned however, not to take my children with me grocery shopping, that is unless I am actually wanting someone to call child services. Because, as I am bent towards child. Angrily whispering that for the 5th time, NO, we cannot have Chocolately Sugar Ball Marshmellow Treasure Suprise Puff Ball Cereal for $9.00 a box. And squeezing an arm, I am drawing quite a few looks. I am also ready to yell " what are you lookin' at ! " And pull an Exorcist type move with my head.
Then inevitably, there is the point when you are done, and are half finished uloading your cart, when you remember that ONE thing that you specifically wanted and of course forgot, so you have to perform the sprint of a lifetime, while in the worst shape of your life, grab the item, race back, and try to act like you aren't really out of breath from that short burst of activity.
I think this one only happens to me : It never ever ever fails that I get the "In training - please be patient " teller. The one that has to check the code for just about every item with the teller across the way. The one that when finally, all items are entered, accidentally hits some button on the till that freezes up the computer, and no other person can figure it out. Except that is, the regional manager, who is the only one with keys to the till. After about 10 minutes he floats to the till, magically performs some feat that amazes the tellers, and all is well with the till. To the cheers, and claps of the other tellers. Right now I am about ready to VOMIT.
All that fun, and it only cost me $270.00
Booyah !
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