Long Long Ago

Long long ago, before the kids. One of our first camping excursions was to Wells Grey Provincial Park in Clearwater, BC. Here is the tale of our adventures ....
We had decided that we were going to camp for five days in our tent ( mistake # 1 ) After driving into the campground, we realized that the attractions were very far apart, and required driving to. The hikes we were planning on, were full day treks, which we were not properly equipped for. So we decided an alternate itinerary.
First was Hemleken falls - absolutely beautiful. It is the 4th highest waterfall in Canada. It was stunning from the tourist area. But of course, that was not good enough of a view for Dean. We decided to hike in from behind the falls. As we are coming up on them you can hear the water, feel the mist. Ahhhhh, then all of a sudden you break through the trees, and you are practically at the mouth of the thing, standing at the edge of a SHEER DROP !!! I think I started crying.
After that little adventure, we decided to hike in to Ray's Farm. It is the ruins of a historic pioneer homestead. Sooooo cool. Following the trail in, we realized how vulnerable we really were, when alongside of us we could hear something rustling around in the brush, making its way toward us. I mean this is no soft rustling, it is almost crashing. We froze. For certain it was a bear and death was knocking on our door, and us two idiots don't even have so much as a can of bug spray, to mace his ass. Closer and closer it came, we just looked at each other with fear in our eyes. All too soon it was upon us !
Godamned Skunk ! I was so relieved and mad all at the same time I could have kicked that dirty little rodent !
Next was Trophy Mountain Meadows, we got lost. That is all I am going to say about that one.
It is only the second day, and we have run out of bug spray. The layers we have applied apparently have not been enough. We are covered in the spray from head to foot. The itching in my hair is about driving me nuts, and I am starting to feel a little tight in the tummy, because there is no way I can make myself # 2 in the dirty little outhouse.
SIGH. Well, since we know we are here for another 3 days, we head partway into town to a lodge we saw that had a convenience store to pick up some bug spray. After paying some obscene price for the bug spray we noticed that the store is not the only thing they have there. They have a SALOON !!!!!! Yahoo ! It was like $13.00 bucks for a Paralyzer, but what the hell ! We needed it. The rest of the night was ok, until night fell. As I lie in the tent, I am awakened by something in our site. OH gawd, it brushes up against the tent. Shit, it is in the bag of chips I left on the table ( we are supposed to keep all food in the trunk of our car ) I muster all the courage I have, grab the flashlight, and make my way outside to face the intruder. There was not one but 3. I was out numbered. I made my way to the picnic table and saved the Doritos from the two savage squirrles that were doing their damndest to break into the bag. That accomplished, I headed for the final suspect, but he fled at the sight of me, as well he should. I am sure I coulda kicked that two foot high foxes butt man ! I sure showed him who's boss of the woods.
Morning, of the third day. I have not slept since I was defending my territory from the predators that lurked around our campsite. I felt like one big itch, and I am sure that dirt covering me is permanent. We left.
Ahhh the fond memories. They will live on forever.
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