Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Why Do They Do That ?

So, do all kids do this, or just mine ? Errgh.

All week before spring break, the kids had been hounding me to take them to Polson Park. So finally on Monday, the first day of Spring Break, deciding that I was the best mom ever, I called my friend and made plans to meet her at the park with her son too. Excited to suprise my kids, I did not tell them what we were doing. Instead I just told them to get ready. When we were ready, I announced that we were "Goin' To The Park !!!"

You know what I got ...... " Awww I don't wanna go to the park... " and " Me either"

So my solution...... " Well we are going to the park and you're going to like it ! " "You hounded me all week to go there, and we finally are going to go, and you complain !"

Good Eh ! - NOT.

Then my daughter asked to bring the soccer ball with us...... it sounds weird but I was infuriated !!!! ( I can never make my daughter get outside and play soccer at home, in our huge bakyard, the answer is always " That's boring" )


So my answer ..... " NO, I am not driving all the way into town, to take you to a playground, so you can not play on any of the stuff, and kick a ball around, when I could stay home and you could kick it around here just as well ! " " WE ARE GOING TO THE STUPID PAAARRKKK "

Sounds like fun to me !!!!!

So needless to say, my forcing them did not work so well, they lasted at the park about an hour before I sped out of the parking lot, my fists gripping the steering wheel, knuckles white.

After the hour of playing, intermixed with comments of " I'm Hungry" " I'm Bored" " Is it time to go ?" " I'm cold" " I'm Thirsty" " Can we go out for lunch ?" and "I have to Pee"

I gave up.


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