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My dog is a natural born mouser, however he has just added another prey to his repetoire.... yes... that's right....a cutie little bird.
Needless to say I was a little bit shocked when I found out, but I guess it makes sense when it is in your blood.
I have a Yorkie/Silky Terrier. Just the word Terrier is enough to send small animals scurrying. They were used to control mice in the old days. But the instinct is still very much alive. Buddy has indeed caught his share of mice, with a prowess you would expect on the African Plains. He has no interest in toying with his kill, his intenet made clear. Kill it, drop it, move on.
When my son came in and told me that Buddy had netted himself a bird, I was suprised. The poor bird did not really have a chance, it was one we were watching throughout the day, because it was having trouble flying, something was wrong. Soooo, Buddy thought he would take advantage of the weak link, and WHAMO. Bye Bye Birdie.
That is all fine and dandy, except that this was yesterday and today he has asked to be let out constantly, I couldn't figure it out, until I went outside to tell him to stop barking..........
There he is, staring up at the neighbours bird house, the birds staring back at him. Barking madly at them, waiting for his moment. Sigh.
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