Shaping the Future

In my 30 years, I have just come to realize how much of your upbringing and life events, account for who you are today. I know that probably sounds naive, but c'est la vie.
I have recently undergone alot of self discovery. Finding that our lives are constantly shaping, re-shaping, moulding, and changing.
What I think though is that humanity as a whole has never been granted tools of knowledge to do the best we can with our own personal coping and communicating. We are doing the best we can with what we know. It all comes down to one of the first memorable lessons in life : treat others as you wish to be treated.
I think, if that was a commonly practice trait, today's problems may vanish before our very eyes.
Imagine a world full of respect, and kindness and honesty. All the rest would follow naturally.
Let's not leave our children to struggle in a cold, miserable future of insecurity, disrespect, ruthlessness, humiliation, and silence. Let's educate ourselves with tools of life in order to mould the lives of our future with an example of how life should be lived.
With : happiness, satisfaction, rights, respect, care and love. We have the power within our selves to make each day the best it possibly can be. Even with struggles, it is how we choose to handle the toughness that life can sometimes throw our way. And what we choose to take away from each lesson in life, the positive or the negative.
Let's choose today to take the positive. And start living life to the fullest, as we all deserve.
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