Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Real Reason People Go Deaf

Well, the real reason that people go deaf, is not old age. Oh no no no no, my friends, the real reason we begin losing our hearing is a thing called.....

Summer Break !

Is that word synonomous with children taking it up a billion decibles ?

I have witnessed both of my children in the classroom, sitting quietly, politely waiting etc. But that all seems to go out the window the day the last bell rings, indicating their two months off.

I am sure that while the kids are playing, and they all gang up in their little herd, that the entire neighbourhood can hear them. Regardless of what they may be playing. They could be playing Hide and Seek ( the ultimate in being quiet and sneaky ) and you can hear them a mile away.

Everything seems to get louder : the TV, the Stereo, the talking, the singing, the yelling. Crikey, even the sleeping !!!!!

Along with all this loudness, you feel yourself being sucked up and swallowed by it. Like a nice blade of flowing grass being mowed down by the super charged lawn mower on a Sunday morning at an ungodly hour.

I have finally decided that if you can't beat em' ( literally ) ( no just kidding ) ( I think ) anyways...... if you can't beat em', join em' ! Fight Back I Say !!!!!!

So, I find myself yelling over top of them whenever I may need the attention of someone. Or, stopping the entire herd with a bloodcurdling " HEYYYYYY !!" Just to freeze them in their tracks and nab the ones that are mine.

Then there is the ineviatable meal times that are required at regular intervals, or else they get even louder, whinier, cryier.
This I find a special task on it's own. I have had to develop a certain call with a certain pitch, similar to having to use a hunting call, in order to make myself heard throughout the entire neighbourhood.
As I step out onto my stairs, take a deep breath, And....... "CHAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE....... KAYYYY-LLAAAAAAAA" LUUNNNCHHHHH TIIIIIIME !!!!!

Like I said. If you can't beat em'...... make sure your louder then em'

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just So Ya Know

We have made the discovery that when broken these can stain.

As witnessed by me, when tucking in my son to bed. I turned off his light, and his carpet was glowing, his end table was glowing, his sheets were glowing, his pillow was glowing.



Monday, July 10, 2006

When Did It Fade ?

You used to always hold my hand,
my heart does not understand.

Why you have turned away,
A place in your mind so far away.

Looks my way have all but ceased,
I'm filled with loneliness, instead of peace.

A kind word, a caring touch,
Have all faded so much.

My heart is empty, feels so old,
Remembering a love gone cold.

When did we, choose separate ways,
To be more friends than our loving days.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sands Of Time

Sifting through the sands of time,
Unsure of what, I may find.

Tiny grains, of memories
Each a part of what's to be.

Sifting through the sands of time,
Bringing everything, back to mind.

Though mostly dull in color you'll see,
An odd grain here and there will be,

A sparkling fleck, so crystaline,
A memory so precious and fine.

Memories, that will set me free,
From deep, held, misery.

Sifting through the sands of time,
Trying to grasp, as they slide by.
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