
This movie has stayed with me from childhood. They fought against the Great Nothing that was absorbing the world.
I shall see if I can write an entry about "nothing"
Nothing can fill our very souls,or chill us to our bones.
Nothing surrounds us every day, begging us to look its way. It can seize your heart, mind, and body. Taking over your very life. Once nothing begins its hold, it is a fight for your survival.
I believe that children are the only ones brave and pure enough to fight against the angst of a "nothing" as they dare to believe, to see, without skepticism with out anything but pure innocent eyes. They are not blind to hurt, but fight it head on.
Adults let too many things stand in there way. Choose to view from too many points, analyze when none is necessary.
If we were all free of mind enough to believe in our own luck dragon, maybe we would not feel that "nothing" is eating away at our very existance.
Try to see as a child does - full of color and shades.
Try to hear as a child does - all the world is a song.
Try to feel as a child does - without pre-judgement
When we do we will find that "nothing" will begin to shrink. And that our world will begin to fill, with love, understanding, acceptance.
Nothing, will have lost.
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