Christmas Spirit
I would like to share with you, the Christmas card that my 9 year old daughter made for us last night. Needless to say, once reading it, tears in my eyes, a warm glow filled my heart. I have done well. The meaning of Christmas, in a child's eyes, portrayed better than most adults could.Please enjoy ...." Merry Christmas Family "May your holidays remind you of these Christmas things :The sound of carols, the smell of cookies and the warmth of us being together !!! "That's MY little girl !!!
Mission Complete
This message will self destruct in 20 seconds....Agent mom reporting in, mission " Clean Sweep" is now complete and secure. Details of operation are as follows :Upon weeks of surveillance it was apparent that I was going to have to go in. The situation was hot, and the timing was crucial. I waited for the suspect to attend grade one, giving me an open window of oppotunity. I had to move fast.Armed with only a garbage bag and two 3 drawer storage bins, I made my way into the field. It was a disaster area. If I didn't know better, I would have suspected that a bomb had detinated in there.I began with the removal of the dreaded McDonalds toys, with caution I dug through the heaps firing them into the bag as I went. All the while keeping an eye on time. Next it was onto the broken, spare, or extra parts of unidentifiable objects. They were handled like any live round, and disposed of appropriately.Then there was an un-planned for glitch in the operation. Barefoot, I managed to somehow impale myself with a leggo. I had to bite my lip in order to stiffle a scream of pain, after all, I did not want to draw attention.It was not over there. Hopping around in pain, I discovered what I had been looking for, the prized collection of marbles. However the situation was not contained at that point, resulting in more stabbing pain and a slipping incident. I was not to be discouraged, I could do this, it is what I had spent all those years in training for. I was not leaving the field until mission "Clean Sweep" was a success.I moved onto the "hot wheels", they were everywhere. I would have to say that that was a containment problem, but in the end they had to succumb.Next, was, under the bed. A simple yet effective covert hiding place for all weapons of choice. Cap guns, trucks, clothing, balls, even a peice of cardboard......Sweat was beading off of me. Arm muscles on fire. I had never encountered a mission quite like this before. I have learned alot, and will be better prepared if another situation should break out.That is all the report at this time, over and out.......10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........message destructmessage destructmessage destruct....
Decorating The Family Christmas Tree !
The Tree is now done ! Although I have to say it was quite an effort this year.I am in charge of putting on the lights, garland, and angel. The kids then put on the decorations.........Each and every year I TRY to sit casually back on the couch with my rum and eggnog, whilst enjoying the merriment of my beautiful children decorating the tree. YEAH RIGHT. I am way too anal. Poor kids.There I am hawking over them, telling them where to put each and every decoration, and that we cannot put the ones they made on the tree because, because, because well those are special and I do not want them to break. Phewwf thought of that in time. I barter with them and we agree that I will place their decorations throughout the house. This year however, I was determined to butt out..... and you know what .. I DID !Kids love to decorate the tree.... I sat there enjoying them. On the edge of my seat. Silently biting my nails to the quick, and inside my head re-decorating the tree. But, I stayed put.Watching them ever so delicately place the fragile decorations on the very very tip of each branch so that it is barely hanging, you do not want to breathe next to the tree for fear of all the decorations teetering onto the floor. Then there is the pretty effect of hanging the same colors next to each other in bunched groups. Did you know that you can fit 4 "ball" ornaments on one branch, well you can ! I especially love the festive conversation between brother and sister. I can just feel the love I tell ya. " Ch-a-a-se ! move outta my way, I was in this spot first !""No you weren't ! and anyways you're not the boss of me !""Chase ! Move ! You're doing it wrong ! "" NO I'M NOT... Muuumm, Kayla said I'm doing it wrong"Then, the inevitable crunch of someone stepping on a decoration. The crying, the blood, the laughing of the other sibling that did not get hurt. The one that did get hurt screaming "It's not Funny !" The band-aids. The chocolate bribes to get everyone to settle down.After about 95 hours the christmas tree is decorated. The children stare in awe at their masterpiece. Inside I am cringing and refrainging from moving everything.There, I did it ! No interfering on my part whoo-hoo !!!!!!!! Until they go to bed anyway. LOL.
The Pain
I don't know what in the heck I did to my neck, but it feels like I was in that pose all night or something !My gawd, I can't even turn my head. You should see what a joke it is for me to look at something..."mom, look over there, a pheasant !" By the time I am looking there after having to turn my whole body, I say "Where, Where !" Mu-um it's already long gone. geeze.Yup, tried to put on my coat this morning to attempt taking out the garbage YEAH. The whole little chore took me about 1/2 hr and required quite imaginative ways of sliding into my coat and getting it up onto my shoulders without being able raise my arms. Then having to drag the garbage can down the driveway. Needless to say once I was done, I was sweating, despite the fact that it is - 6 celsius outside...... Then I Had To Get My Coat OFF.I sneezed this morning and I think I might have actually broke my neck and it gave me a seizure I'm sure. I can't laugh without searing pain, I don't look forward to brushing my teeth. And I am NOT going to have fun in the shower.In fact, this entry is just about killing me. Every letter typed is like a knife sticking me, so you better appreciate this $%#&^@# entry.PS - I slept sitting up on the couch last night as I could not even lay down, because I could not pick up my head which felt like a cement block filled with white hot pain. So I am a teeny bit tired and grouchy.Should be a long day..... ha ha ha
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