Mission Complete

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Agent mom reporting in, mission " Clean Sweep" is now complete and secure. Details of operation are as follows :
Upon weeks of surveillance it was apparent that I was going to have to go in. The situation was hot, and the timing was crucial. I waited for the suspect to attend grade one, giving me an open window of oppotunity. I had to move fast.
Armed with only a garbage bag and two 3 drawer storage bins, I made my way into the field. It was a disaster area. If I didn't know better, I would have suspected that a bomb had detinated in there.
I began with the removal of the dreaded McDonalds toys, with caution I dug through the heaps firing them into the bag as I went. All the while keeping an eye on time. Next it was onto the broken, spare, or extra parts of unidentifiable objects. They were handled like any live round, and disposed of appropriately.
Then there was an un-planned for glitch in the operation. Barefoot, I managed to somehow impale myself with a leggo. I had to bite my lip in order to stiffle a scream of pain, after all, I did not want to draw attention.
It was not over there. Hopping around in pain, I discovered what I had been looking for, the prized collection of marbles. However the situation was not contained at that point, resulting in more stabbing pain and a slipping incident.
I was not to be discouraged, I could do this, it is what I had spent all those years in training for. I was not leaving the field until mission "Clean Sweep" was a success.
I moved onto the "hot wheels", they were everywhere. I would have to say that that was a containment problem, but in the end they had to succumb.
Next, was, under the bed. A simple yet effective covert hiding place for all weapons of choice. Cap guns, trucks, clothing, balls, even a peice of cardboard......
Sweat was beading off of me. Arm muscles on fire. I had never encountered a mission quite like this before. I have learned alot, and will be better prepared if another situation should break out.
That is all the report at this time, over and out.
......10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........
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