Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Spring Has Sprung

When I walked outside today, it was wonderful. I took a deep breath of fresh air, that had the smell of spring.
That smell is of renewed life. Birds were singing their praises, nests busily being built in anticipation of new life.
The grass, still brown from its' winter sleep, shone like spun gold in the sunlight.
Little bugs began to make their way out from their winter seclusion. Searching for their first catch of the day.
Oh, and the people. There is something about Spring that shines in peoples faces. The nods and smiles of hello as passerby. A softened look in their eyes as yard work starts to take place.
Everyone seems happier, relaxed, and more at ease.
I love spring,
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Shaping the Future

In my 30 years, I have just come to realize how much of your upbringing and life events, account for who you are today. I know that probably sounds naive, but c'est la vie.
I have recently undergone alot of self discovery. Finding that our lives are constantly shaping, re-shaping, moulding, and changing.
What I think though is that humanity as a whole has never been granted tools of knowledge to do the best we can with our own personal coping and communicating. We are doing the best we can with what we know. It all comes down to one of the first memorable lessons in life : treat others as you wish to be treated.
I think, if that was a commonly practice trait, today's problems may vanish before our very eyes.
Imagine a world full of respect, and kindness and honesty. All the rest would follow naturally.
Let's not leave our children to struggle in a cold, miserable future of insecurity, disrespect, ruthlessness, humiliation, and silence. Let's educate ourselves with tools of life in order to mould the lives of our future with an example of how life should be lived.
With : happiness, satisfaction, rights, respect, care and love. We have the power within our selves to make each day the best it possibly can be. Even with struggles, it is how we choose to handle the toughness that life can sometimes throw our way. And what we choose to take away from each lesson in life, the positive or the negative.
Let's choose today to take the positive. And start living life to the fullest, as we all deserve.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Why Do They Do That ?

So, do all kids do this, or just mine ? Errgh.
All week before spring break, the kids had been hounding me to take them to Polson Park. So finally on Monday, the first day of Spring Break, deciding that I was the best mom ever, I called my friend and made plans to meet her at the park with her son too. Excited to suprise my kids, I did not tell them what we were doing. Instead I just told them to get ready. When we were ready, I announced that we were "Goin' To The Park !!!"
You know what I got ...... " Awww I don't wanna go to the park... " and " Me either"
So my solution...... " Well we are going to the park and you're going to like it ! " "You hounded me all week to go there, and we finally are going to go, and you complain !"
Good Eh ! - NOT.
Then my daughter asked to bring the soccer ball with us...... it sounds weird but I was infuriated !!!! ( I can never make my daughter get outside and play soccer at home, in our huge bakyard, the answer is always " That's boring" )
So my answer ..... " NO, I am not driving all the way into town, to take you to a playground, so you can not play on any of the stuff, and kick a ball around, when I could stay home and you could kick it around here just as well ! " " WE ARE GOING TO THE STUPID PAAARRKKK "
Sounds like fun to me !!!!!
So needless to say, my forcing them did not work so well, they lasted at the park about an hour before I sped out of the parking lot, my fists gripping the steering wheel, knuckles white.
After the hour of playing, intermixed with comments of " I'm Hungry" " I'm Bored" " Is it time to go ?" " I'm cold" " I'm Thirsty" " Can we go out for lunch ?" and "I have to Pee"
I gave up.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Gotcha !

My dog is a natural born mouser, however he has just added another prey to his repetoire.... yes... that's right....a cutie little bird.
Needless to say I was a little bit shocked when I found out, but I guess it makes sense when it is in your blood.
I have a Yorkie/Silky Terrier. Just the word Terrier is enough to send small animals scurrying. They were used to control mice in the old days. But the instinct is still very much alive. Buddy has indeed caught his share of mice, with a prowess you would expect on the African Plains. He has no interest in toying with his kill, his intenet made clear. Kill it, drop it, move on.
When my son came in and told me that Buddy had netted himself a bird, I was suprised. The poor bird did not really have a chance, it was one we were watching throughout the day, because it was having trouble flying, something was wrong. Soooo, Buddy thought he would take advantage of the weak link, and WHAMO. Bye Bye Birdie.
That is all fine and dandy, except that this was yesterday and today he has asked to be let out constantly, I couldn't figure it out, until I went outside to tell him to stop barking..........
There he is, staring up at the neighbours bird house, the birds staring back at him. Barking madly at them, waiting for his moment. Sigh.