I am in charge of watering our lawn, which we have a fair amount of. I would enjoy this job if I could EVER FIND A SPRINKLER THAT DID NOT BREAK !!!!
As you can tell I have built up a bit of a rage about this issue.
I would love to have underground sprinklers and be done with all this hose, sprinkler, moving them around business. Especially when there are watering restrictions and I have to try to get all my lawn watered in the allotted time.... oh yeah.. and our bazillion trees.
Anyways, not until last night, was it brought to my attention that I have my own " sprinkler language" oh yes indeed. In fact I think I baffled my husband with this new language.
Coming in ( drenched as usual, as I can't seem to do this job without somehow spraying myself in the face ) I came to tell my husband my watering woes for the evening. Here is how it went :
Me : " Sigh, well, I think the ch ch ch ch ch flllllpppphhht sprinkler has bit the dust."
Husband : " The ch ch ch ch ch flllppphhht ???? "
Me : " Yeah, you know the one. It is only going so far then it sticks in one place."
Husband : " Oh "
Me : " Errgghh ! I only wish that I could last a couple of years with out having to buy more stupid sprinklers." " I saw that one in Canadian Tire that is supposed to creep along your hose and do all your watering"
Husband : " Oh " ( eyes on hockey game )
Me : " It won't work for us though, it is one of those twirly doo's with the two streams, and they do not have enough water output."
Husband : " twirly doo ??????? "
Me : " Yeah, so now all I am left with is the fffssssssttttttt one and the stick one."
Husband : "huh ???????"
Me : " Gawd, are you even listening to me, you know what the hell I am talking about you just won't pay attention because stupid hockey is on. Don't even talk to me."
Husband : looking at me bewildered
Me : WHAT !!!!?????
Husband : Silence and a shake of the head
Me : "Fine, I won't even talk to you about it.......maybe I will just get one of those swiiiisshhhhh swiiiissssshhhh ones, maybe it would work.
Husband : " Yeah try one of those hon, I am sure whatever you pick will be just fine."
Me : " hummphh, you don't even care. "
So, that was my night...........
Sprinklers can be so much of a trouble is it?! I never knew!
adi : you do not have to water ?? Well, you are not missing out. Except fot the fun of running through the sprinkler on hot days.
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