Pet Him And Squeeze Him And Call Him .... Nancy ???

Now, we all remember the classic spoof on " Of Mice And Men" that Looney Tunes created. The unforgettable Abomidable Snow Guy with Bugs in hand, reciting "I will hug him, and squeeze him, and call him George." Much to ol' Long Ears chagrin.
Well, the snowy character have been re-born.... in the form of..... My Neice !!!!
Now, let's not leave out the fact that my neice I am refering to is only 2 1/2 years old....
Needless to say, her family has aquired to new cutey kitties. Now, my neice is not the most delicate of toddlers to say the least. But what she lacks in delicacy she makes up in dedicated love and spirit.
As soon as I saw her with the kitties, I have been wondering how long they would "make it" It soooooooooo reminds me of the above pictured skit.
Picture this : 8 week old kitty, carried around by the neck, " But Auntie !!! I am just cuddling him !!!. I have learned not to correct her too often in a short period of time, as this results in a big squeezing of the kitty acompanied by a two year olds emphatic Huuumph !!!!!!
What amazes me is how quickly the two kitties adapt. One has chosen to go into hiding whenever she appears, the other has accepted the fate of being loved, possible to death.
It just contentedly sits in the pink dolly stroller, being raced around the house, with the odd crash here and there. Or being rocked to sleep, oh so gently.
Lenny, from the novel "Of Mice and Men" move over and make way for my Neice and " Of Kitties and Toddlers"
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