Arrgh !I burned my tongue on a stupid drink of Hot Chocolate this morning !I have not done this in a long, long time. Probably since I was a kid. Now I remember why I hated it soooo much.It feels like my tongue is a piece of bread. And I cannot stop running it along the roof of my mouth.Euuck.Sigh, that's my big exciting story for the day.......
Solved My Weeding Problem
Well, my "office butt" has manged to solve my weeding dilema, which I mentioned in a previous post.I have found this neato, convenient, easy ( although not eco-friendly ) POISON !And let me tell ya, did I ever give those pesky things a soaking today !I felt like something from an action movie, mowin' down the bad guys !Now, we will just give it a few days and find out if I have also killed my lawn....flowers......trees......shrubs....birds......
Happy Ending
Our community heaved a collective sigh of relief yesterday morning. Carmen was found, alive !Unlike so many news stories you hear, this had a happy ending.Thursday morning around 5:00am Carmen was found by police. They also have a male suspect in custody.Through the dilligence of the police, search and rescue, dogs, helicopter, and volunteers this little girl can be reunited with her family and friends.
Too Close To Home
My community is in a state of shock, as we have learned that one of our own has been subjected to something so horrible. This little girl attends the same school as my children. I ask God, Why ? Let us pray for the safe return of Carmen, and peace for her family. Now is the time we must pull together and bring this child home.
Police in the North Okanagan community of Armstrong, B.C. fear an 11-year-old girl who went missing on her way home from a video store Tuesday night has been abducted.
Carmen Kados left home on her scooter to pick up a video in the downtown area of the small B.C. Interior community of Armstrong, which was within walking distance of her home.
"We are fearing the worst and it appears to be an abduction of some sort," Cpl. Henry Proce of the Vernon RCMP detachment told The Canadian Press Wednesday.
"Our forensic ID unit is on the scene right now where she dropped some of her possessions."
He added that it appeared something distracted or stopped her while she was cutting through a parking lot. She left behind some possessions, including her scooter and a "Chicken Little" video she rented and her cellphone.
Police described Carmen as having blonde, shoulder-length hair and blue-green eyes. She was last seen wearing a blue T-shirt, light blue shorts and green sandals.
She left her home at about 7 p.m. local time. When she didn't return two hours later, her mother called 911 and family members went to search for the girl.
The RCMP Southeast District major crime unit were called in to assist the Armstrong detachment and they have set up a command post in the community.
Proce told CP about 12 investigators and 60 search and rescue people were on the scene, and police were "pulling out all the stops on this one."
"We've had our helicopter here, we've got two dog masters here, but they need to be pointed in the right direction. They need something to follow up on, but that hasn't been too forthcoming as yet," he said.
Investigators fanned out from the parking lot where Carmen disappeared, but the town is situated in the Spallumcheen Valley and surrounded by farm land.
"This is rural land, farm land, rolling hills, they're all over the place here," Proce said.
CTV Vancouver's Renu Bakshi said police have received a number of tips from the public.
"One tip came through Crime Stoppers, which from my understanding is quite significant. (Police) said within 24 hours they will also be speaking with known sex offenders who live in the area," she said.
Employees at Video Express, where Carmen rented the video, said they were concerned about Carmen's safety.
"We're worried. We're hoping for the best," clerk Sherry Aikin told CP.
With files from CTV Vancouver's Renu Bakshi and The Canadian Press
Now This Here's What They Call An R.V. - To Quote Cousin Eddie
Well, we brought this puppy home from Kamloops on Saturday. Our new (to us anyway) old, tent trailer. It is like heaven lookin' at her. No more friggin' tent. I tell ya, we have fairly big tent and I don't think that with two kids, a dog, your gear, and leaky air mattresses, coupled with rain and being stuck in their playing "Go Fish" until you suffocate in the carbon dioxide your breathing at each other..that any tent can feel "big" enough.I mean c'mon, what is with a tent that even if you don't drink you come crawling out of there in the morning looking and feeling like you have been on a bender ! Gawd. Then there was the time that I actually was a bit....... ah, I better not go there.So even if I might be considered a "red neck" with our newly aquired camping apparatus, I don't care ! I am going to be dry, I don't have to sleep on an air mattress, and I will be able to beathe : oh yes and the most important thing.... I CAN STAND UP TO GET DRESSED !!!Have you ever tried to get dressed in a tent on an air mattresses? First trying to stand up and balance on the stupid thing, and then crashing down to the ground and sweating while you roll around trying to reach your feet to put on some socks. MAN THAT SUCKS.Then there is the thing with our kids insisting that one of us each sleeps with a kid. So then you have an unbalanced mattress. I think we almost shot them out of the tent when we layed down.So, it might not be new, it might be considered "not real camping" But I am too old to try and crawl my ass out of a tent and expect to be in a good mood the rest of the day.So, Yeeeeehhhaaawwwww. Look out Griswald's 'cause here we come !!!!!
I Damn Near killed myself today..... you can all stop giggling because I know you are.... you sadistic little buggers.Anyways, as I was saying. I had a near death experience. True.Here I was, innocently making way into my bathroom to put away some toiletries, when my life flashed before my eyes.Instantly I was on one foot, arms flailing, eyes huge, heart racing ! I sailed past the towel bar and instinctively reached out for it. Lot a good that did me, as it ripped off the wall and landed with ME in a flat backed HEAP on the FLOOR !!!Holy crap !All I can say, is that apparently, you are supposed to wash your bathroom floor BEFORE all the hair spray builds up and creates its own death trap !!!
Soooo Not Cut Out For This
Well, I have pretty much figured out that I am useless at this manual labour stuff. I think that there have been too many years of "office butt" and they have won out.I tried my hand at raking this weekend. Sounds easy right ? NOT !I got a callous, my back is seized up, and my forearm aches.Then I got bored...... this was 10 minutes in.So I thought I would get around to all that weeding I have meant to catch up on........Apparently pulling off the tops of the dandilions, so you can't see the yellow, is not "weeding"Geeze - talk about being picky.Then I gave trimming a couple of cedars a try........ there was SPIDERS in there !!!!So NO DEAL.So, I think I have pretty much resigned myself to watering the flowers and strawberries, feeding the birds, and bringing my husband a beer when needed.Also, I have given myself the position of " Point things out that need to be done, while I watch you do them." or " Boss" for short.
Where The Wild Things Are
I know where they are.........In My HouseAt SchoolIn The PlaygroundsIn The BackyardTalking To Me Under The Bathroom DoorSitting On The Edge Of The Tub While I BathFighting In The CarShoving Through The GateYelling OutsideIn general stuck to me like glue !But...... I Love It !!!
These guys are bullying all the little birds at my feeder !!!This would be a mild day. There are normally so many on the feeder at once that they just about knock it over, and my feeder is NAILED to a wooden fence post !I am going to have to spend my life savings on seed, just because these piggies polish off the whole thing in two days.You can see it all go down. Early in the morning, the little chickadees and finches come out singing their soft song. And BLAMO !!! In swoops the mafiosa. They just shove their way through, scaring off all the other guys. Hmmppffffff !Good Thing I Am An Animal Lover I Tell Ya !!
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