Happy Times

I got to see my buddy over Christmas holidays !!! :)
I was so excited. I knew that for her to make time to come visit me was difficult, as making the rounds with family is lots of visiting in of itself.
Have you ever had one of "those" friends. T he only way I can describe it is as " friends at first sight". She came into my life when I needed a friend more than she will ever know. It felt like an instant connection that you knew was true friendship, and would not fade. When I found that she was moving ( a year ago now ) I was sad, yes, for me. We had only met shortly ago and had not hung out nearly enough yet. Selfish I know, but true. On the otherside, I could not be more happy for her, because I knew it was what she was waiting for. True love, and a nice city ! Not to mention getting out of our Hell Hole workplace, and landing what sounds like, the perfect job.
Since the big move, we have talked ( via email ) almost every day. Even though, what could we possibly have to talk to each other about every day that is new? That's just it, it does not have to be a landmark discussion, as with all true best friends, it can be about practically nothing, or the most important things of all.
I am so happy that I got to see her again in person, and wish her and her love all the best for the new year. Happiness, health, and continued love.
Next time - it is my turn !
Cya in the big city Sista :)
That's the best way to celebrate the new year! :)
Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year! :)
Thank you, you as well.
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