
I volunteer some time at my childrens' school to assist with the "One to One Reading Program" This is great because it allows one on one attention each day for developing reading skills.
I know that illiteracy is a problem that is occuring too often and needs attention. I guess I was being naieve when I thought it was not so prevalent here but more in the U.S.
My eyes have been opened today, and I vow to do even more to help, however I can, if only in little ways.
Reading and English has always been a sort of easy subject for myself . I love to read, and my mom spent time with me as a young child and encouraged my literacy.
I have done the same with my children, both ahead of their ages in their reading ability. I am volunteering in my sons grade one class. So I know to expect various diffrent levels of abilities. However, at first I was dismayed that many of the children did not yet understand how to sound out a word, relying mostly on memorization of their little reader book. Any variation, and the word was often missed. I discussed with my husband , questioning why the could not sound out yet, he suggested maybe that this was just where Chase was ahead, and they would be geting into that more later. They are concentrating on a few words a week, as recognition.
Well, today I got an even bigger surprise, I said I could stay longer today if she would like me to help out with anything else. That would be great she said. There are a couple of students who need work with their letter sounds. So I took them into a room, armed with flash cards. Inside thinking, sheesh how do you get out of kindergarten not knowing what sound each letter makes. Well, as we were going through the cards I was heartbroken to see that not only were they having trouble knowing the sounds to all of the letters, but some of the letters they had difficulty identifying.
My heart went out to these poor children who sat squirming and avoiding my eyes when they got to a letter that they did not know what it was. They know they are supposed to know it already, how insecure it must make them feel. These children need our help. This will only lead to them wanting to hide the fact that they don't know or understand something, in any subject. And this is how they can slip through the cracks.
This is purely the fault of childrens "home figure" time should be spent ensuring that children are armed with what they need in todays society. It makes me mad that kids should have to suffer because someone does not take the time to be with them at home.
Not all children are the best at everything, but they are all capable.
I have volunteered now to make new flash cards for the class that not only show the letter but have a picture indicating the sound and underlining the letter sound in the word. I fully understand how some children learn differently, requiring pictures, or rhymes in order to remember. This is where caregivers need to be involved in their childs education. One teacher cannot teach 5 differents ways of learning to 20 different kids, she can do only the best for everyone, and hope for as much help from their home as possible.
Please, this is a plea to all families and caregivers. Tonight when you get home from that long day of work, or finally finish all the household work. Be with your child, really be with them, don't shuffle them aside because the news is on, or you need to unwind. I have found that the best way to unwind is playing with my children. You can make it fun, they are learning the whole time. Play a game of cards, do a puzzle, paint a picture, sing a song, Read A Book. And most importantly , be proud.
Amazing write-up!
Be a parent and be proud about it! :)
Appreciate your initiative in increasing literacy levels. We need more people like you in my country too!
Our literacy levels are quite low. The Government is doing its best to try and increase the percentage of literate people.
We have a shortage of teachers at the primary education level. The ratio of student is to teachers is 1 : 43. Infrastructure is pathetic. Children sit under thatched roofs. We need to work from the scratch to improve our education scenario.
Canada atleast has to worry about how to teach, we need to bring children first to teach and later find teachers to teach them!
Sorry if I bored you with my country's present state, but wanted to let you know that you are much better off compared to the other developing countries.
Thank you,
That is what I was trying to say, that in this great country of privlege, none should be slipping through the cracks, adults or children. We do have the programs and the teachers, and the infastructure. Sure, there is always discussion of more needs, and improvements. But overall, our education is high ranking. Let's take advantage of it, and parents take part in their childs life, together, it can change.
I am sorry to hear how things in other countries have to struggle so. In a way it saddens me so that I sometimes turn a blind eye, so as not to feel constantly guilty.
I would love to be able to go on missions and help developing countries. That would make a heart feel full.
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