
Well, that didn't take me long - I KILLED it. Yup, it is a gonner. For those of you who do not recognize the character in the picture, it is my Venus Flytrap that I was so excited about getting.
That sure did not take me long to kill. No sir ! I mean c'mon, you don't even have to really even water the poor thing and I managed to still kill it ! Yup, anybody who doesn't want a plant any longer, just hand it on over to me. I'll be sure and take care of that sucker for ya. Just gimme a month or two tops. It'll be dead as a doornail.
PS - doornail is a real word, I just looked it up because I was wondering where the heck that saying came from. So, a bit of non useful crappola for you :
If you hammer a nail through a piece of timber and then flatten the end over on the inside so it can’t be removed again (a technique called clinching), the nail is said to be dead, because you can’t use it again. Doornails would very probably have been subjected to this treatment to give extra strength in the years before screws were available.
So, there !
Anyways, back to me being a murderer.... it would not be so bad if I did not seem to do this regularly. Why do I even keep getting the plants ???? I wonder If it is some kind of weird outlet for me to unleash my inner beast. Boy , that's heavy.
Well, at least this one did not seem to suffer a long death, I was able to kill this one off quite quickly.
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