I Don't Understand

I am not politically savy, nor fully informed of all worldy things. However, reading election results today shocked me. The first Palestinian Parlimentary Election in over a decade was held, and to what end ?
After many peoples, countries, missionaries, volunteers etc. have spent their time and life devoted to encouraging democracy and a nation without violence, the Palestinians were given a voice.
Elected was Hamas, an Islamic Millitant Group. Hamas has long claimed that it's committed to the obliteration of the Jewish state and has long rejected the idea of negotiation.
Palestinian and Israeli children are the ones left to suffer and clean up after each generations mistakes. War and ethnic hate are all that these children have lived with. They know no other life. As I am sure the generation previous to them was raised in the same fashion. No doubt , this goes back far longer than anyone would care to think.
I just cannot imagine having a choice after so many years of oppression, and then opting for hate and violence.
Where does it end ?
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