Ahh, Real Entertainment

I have realized that children do not have an appreciation for the performing arts. Not with all the gadgets and technology we have anyway. Something has gotten lost along the way.
I was a drama student and was involved in 2 or three productions a year throughout high school, including one at our local theater. I was also in a Jazz Ensemble.
Children on the other hand...... well...... I decided to take mine to a performance called "The Missing Picture" my daughter, loved this idea, my son however, insisted that it was Boring. We had not even left the house yet. He said he liked going to the movies better.... even though he had not been to this kind of thing before. I told him it was like a movie, but Better ! There were real people ..... but... that is Boring..... urrgh.
I never thought that hearing a word repeated over and over could have that effect on me. I found myself reverting back to "the old school" parenting, and caught myself saying " If I hear you say boring one more time, so help me, I am going to take you to the truck." Followed with the winner of the day, " Don't make me make you cry in front of all these people, just be quiet and like it ! "
Yup - and the parenting of the year award goes to..........
This is all before the play even started. Oh yes, I forgot, that while we were leaving my children were devastated to find out that you don't eat treats at a theater like you would at the movies......what kind of deal is that !
Finally, the house lights are dimmed, the stage lights ready. I wait in anticipation for that first line. The curtain opens.... I look over and my children are riveted !!!!!
And to my extreme pleasure - the moral of the story is that your imagination and stories are much better than any TV !
.... even though Chase insisted after, that is WAS boring, this time he had a little smile on his face that said, I had a great time, I just don't like being proved wrong.
HA !
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