Happy Turkey Day

I have not posted in awhile as I have been busy at my new job and with bookings at home too :) I am pretty wiped at the end of the day, but that is a good thing.
Although, how come it seems like on a longweeked you never take time to relax, oooohhh noooooo. Instead we decide that is the best time to do all that stuff that gets missed.
And of course, me being me, it usually intails injurying myself in some oh so dainty ( NOT ) way.
Well, this one involved a TV falling on my head ! Oh it is OK, it was not our BIG one, but you never would've know it. That stupid little thing must have been made out of cement.........wait....... maybe it is my head !!!!! hahaha.
Anyway, then as I sat with my icepack on my head, I decided it would be a good idea to kick over my glass of diet orange soda. Yup, Whooo Hoooo. That way I was able to test out my new stain remover.......
But dinner was great ! I didn't even cook the bag of giblets and necks and stuff this year !!!!!!!
Those poor dogs. Wonder you got them to sit still. Your accident prone-ness sounds like mine. Hope you are ok.
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