One Of Those Days

I am sooooo having one of those "good days". You know the ones... the ones when you feel you "got your sexy on"
When you say to yourself when you pass by the mirror "girfriend, you still got it"
I might not have "it" like I used to have "it", but I still got a little somethin' in me left.
It is one of those days where, my hair turned out good, my makeup is good, my clothes look good. Now I am ready for a night out.
I wonder if my "feelin' kinda sexy is because of the couple of drinks I have already had......... ???
wow! you look amazing. you must be beating the men off with a stick. I'm jealous. :P
Lisa is feeling sexy... hmm... how many drinks Lisa?! ;)
I miss you, are you alright?
the goddess unknown : has been awhile since I posted I know. But have been running my arse of at my new career :)
adi : a couple...??? I think. hahahahaha.
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