Re-training Mission

Seriously, this is what we need to teach the dogs at my work !
Could you imagine if it was the other way around.... I mean dogs having to pick up after their people, and wiping their bums !
Gawd, they have it made.
Now, if only I can come up with a way to teach them how to pick up their own poop. I have never picked up so much poop in my life, as when I have started working at a kennel. Well, I guess that stands to reason, but still !
Speaking of poop.... why does it seem like the dogs try to make a game out of it. Like, let's see who can poop in the weirdest spot, and watch Lisa try to pick it up !! They are probably soooooooo laughing on the inside.
Have you ever tried to pick up poo from the side of a chain link fence ? Can someone even figure out how they managed not only to poo there, but to get it to stay !!
How about inside the half a tire that they sleep in. Or in-between the rubber mats, so that you end up squishing it trying to get it out. My personal favourite, half inside the fence half outside.
Sigh... I could go on and on about poop, but I suppose it is probably not a topic that many want to read about.
I guess it is kind of ........... Shitty !!!
hahahahahaha... poop
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