Keeping Up With The Times
Ok, so when did the Christmas lists for kids start to include all this stuff. My kids are 10 and 7, these are some of the things they asked for :* computers ( we have one - they want one in each of their rooms )* cell phones* Xbox 360* TVVirtual this and vitual that, argghhhhhWhatever happened to Mr.Potato Head and Light Bright. Maybe some Tinker Toys. Hell, I went to get some leggo for my boy, and apparently there are KINDS of leggo to get. IE - Batman ship. I was going to get him the big box until I saw the price and just about passed out on the floor. $150.00 for some friggin' leggo. Needless to say, I got the medium box.But I guess in a way I caved ....... I just finished loading songs onto my kids mp3 players......oh, I mourn the good old days of the Sony Walkman, with tape cassettes.
How can there only be 8 sleeps until Christmas ?!?Where the h.e. double hockey sticks, did the time go ? Was't it just Easter ???????Am I ready... NOWill I ever be... NOWill I enjoy every friggin' moment of it... YES!I found myself this weekend in all the great Christmas environments ( not ! ) Wal-Mart, Canadian Tire, The Bay, Zellers, London Drugs etc. Needless to say they were horrendous. The lines were crazy, the Christmas music cheesey, the people shovey.Between all the cart shoving, hot stores, and gimicks, the true meaning of Christmas does shine through to me. It is the.... BAKING !LOL !!!
Crafty Boy
You can imagine my suprise ( NOT ) when I opened my son's school planner, to see a note written from the teacher about an incident at school today.How do you keep a straight face, and try to be a responsible parent in front of your boy, who know's you are reading the note, when it reads :" Chase had to 'sit out' of Art today as he was eating the tissue paper for the craft. "I looked at him, barely able to contain a giggle, when he looks up at me with his big blue eyes, and said..... " Mom, it made my whole mouth green ! "How do you not laugh !.... I was able to contain myself to a smirk and a couple of snorts. then proceeded with the responsible measures. His "screens" were gone for the day, and he had to write a little thing on why it was wrong. Which I had him come up with the reasons.That's My Boy !!!!
Fighting A Losing Battle
I finally broke, broke down and bought myself a pair of ankle height, lined, rubber boots :( LOLI used to pride myself on shoes.I LOVE SHOESSo for me to actually wear these things is an amazement in itself.I mean, they're practical of all things. I don't do practical when it comes to shoes!But I guess the dogs don't really care. And peep toes would have many a stubbings. Heels would snap, or slip on hair, shampoo, poo etc. Leather would be ruined by the water and cleaners. Heeled clogs would have me falling down and falling off while chasing said dogs. So what am I left with.......Good Ol' GaloshesBetter star calling me Ellie May Sue or something like that.
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