High Fives

I was "tagged" but not sure what I am doing. Have not done this before. So If I screwed it Up, I am sorry.......
High Fives
Five Favourite Movies :
1. Christmas Vacation
2. Harry Potter
3. Emperors New Groove
4. The Story Of Us
5. Pay It Forward
Five Things I Can Never Live Without :
1. My Children
2. My Dog
3. Water
4. Food
5. True Love
Five Favourite Celebrities :
1. Charlize Theron
2. Hilary Swank
3. Johnny Depp
4. Morgan Freeman
5. ???
Five Things I Miss :
1. Bandit
2. Myself
3. Nicole
4. Good Old Times
5. Having A Dad
Five Things I Plan To Do In Near Future :
1. Get Active
2. Some Kind Of New Career Move
3. Bake
4. Resolve Old Matters
5. Spend More Time Savouring Life
Last Movie Borrowed And Have Yet To Return :
Five Favourite Books :
1. The Bourne Identity Series
2. The People Of ... Series
3. One Day My Soul Just Opened Up
4. Tuesdays With Morrie
5. Of Mice And Men
I will now Tag :
Good one Lisa!
You miss yourself?
yes, I think that throughout our lives it is easy to loose yourself. Work, stress, relationships, children. We start to live for those things, and then loose sight of ourselves and who we were prior to all that. We must then find our true self again, learn to live for ourself in order to love and be loved. This also fills what can be a very big void in your heart.
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