What Fun

Have you ever tried to take a fish to school ?
Well, I just did ....... let me tell you, that was quite a trip. In fact, I am not quite sure that it will be returning.
My daughter, playing a game of some kind of "learning" monopoly at school, won. Her prize.....she was able to bring an animal to school that could sit on her desk ( stuffed or alive)
Now HELLO ! What kid is going to picked a stuffed animal over a real one if given a choice. You don't give them choices, gawd. Don't we al know that. Well apparently the teacher, in her infinite wisdom does not,
So after trying to convince my daughter that it is not easy to take such a thing to school (especially since the thing is half dead anyway - this I did not mention) I finally gave up. "Fine. We'll drive it to school - But you're holding it."
Now ours is in a bowlish thing just like pictured. Looks great right, does not travel so great. Especially when you are a few minutes behind schedule and must maintain a speed of 85.
We are not even halfway to school when my daughter starts bawling and saying mommy it's dead. I said that not to worry it likes to swim on its side. Do you think that worked?
Then the first big corner came. Uh-huh, you can alllllll see what is coming next I am sure. Out sloshes a puddle of water on my kids pants, making her cry more. She is telling me to pull over now, that the fish cannot survive the waves. I said, in all my great wisdom, " Are you kiddin, I bet she loves it." "I bet she is saying right this moment : Whoo Hoo Ride The Waves !" My answer from her : " BUT SHE IS SIDEWAYS MOM.
Well, now I am getting frustrated by the whole thing becuase I am the one who said it is hard to bring in the first place. Now being as smart as I am, I decide to argue and lash out at my nine year old crying daughter. YEAH, Good Move.
" Well, I am not turning this car around now, I told you it was not easy to bring, now knock it off before I stop this vehicle and just dump her out ."
So now my son decides he is going to help out my poor daughter with the sideways surfing fish, and her now soaked pants. Every corner, bump, slight variation in the road is being commentated by him, just before it happen so that my daughter is prepared for the sudden happenings.
We are coming to the last stop sign before school, when my daughter say from the backseat : "Don't come to a screeching halt, please mom."
Is that a testament to my driving or what !
All I can say is : just remember It is not easy taking a fish to school.
As always your posts are such an infinite pleasure to read! :)
Amazing is your appetite for living life! I admire and respect that!
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