One Of Those Days
I am sooooo having one of those "good days". You know the ones... the ones when you feel you "got your sexy on"When you say to yourself when you pass by the mirror "girfriend, you still got it"I might not have "it" like I used to have "it", but I still got a little somethin' in me left.It is one of those days where, my hair turned out good, my makeup is good, my clothes look good. Now I am ready for a night out.I wonder if my "feelin' kinda sexy is because of the couple of drinks I have already had......... ???
I Am Sooooo Getting Older !
Sigh, you know you are getting older when you start to dread the next day's event. When you were younger, you would look forward to it with boundless energy.Not so anymore. I am starting to grow up I am afraid.Tomorrow is the annual fall fair. I have been to this fair every year. I am taking my kids and neice. Now, I should be all excited to see the kids smiles and screams and blah blah blah.But noooooo, what am I thinking ? * "Gawd my feet are going to be so sore by the end of the day" * "It better not be too hot, because if I have to stand there in the heat I don't know what I'll do."* "It better not rain either, because then I'll be left there standing in it."* "The kids better listen to me or there'll be hell to pay."It used to be that we would feel so cool if we went to the fair at night time. Now, not only do I refuse to go at night and wander with all the teenagers and creepy people. But, I am going the first day it opens ( tomorrow ) which also happens to be Seniors Day. So it should be relatively calm. I will be there as soon as the midway opens, before the heat and the crowds. Even if the crowds are old people.Now that I am feeling the affects of my aging ( I am 30 ) I also worry more :Are the rides safe ?Will the kids die on one ?I can't let them eat too much junk, that is not good,Who are these people running the rides ?Am I going to get mugged ?Why do all the ride people smoke, have missing teeth, and lots of tattoos ?Can I hold it all day, because there is no way I am entering one of those washrooms.It goes on and on.......So, tomorrow is fair day - Wheeeeeeeeeeeee !
I Just Don't Get It
I really don't get it sometimes. How someone can become so drunk and ornary. I mean, not to say that I have never had more than my share. But I always seem to maintain a happiness about me, and can still function. I don't resort to hurting others, or anything. If anything, it becomes a bother, feeling like you have to babysit the other.I had to "pack" my significant other home tonight. I mean we are talking completely holding him upright, and everything. But apparently this was the wrong thing to do and it was all MY fault.This gets tiresome.There is a nice feeling about having a few drinks and relaxing and having a good time. But getting carried away is so blase.I am sick and tired of this charade. It has happened way too many times. Sigh, what to do ?
Money Makes The World Go 'Round
I saw the kee-uuu-test little plant at Wal Mart yesterday. !!I was sooo excited. It looked just like the picture here. I know it is kinda silly to get excited about a plant, but I love finding different ones, that I have not seen before.So, I snatched up this little guy, and cool new pot, and some soil. Eeeee. Could not wait to get this little fella home and find a spot for it. It should be pretty easy as I ONLY have 10 indoor plants right now.I found out on the way up to the till that this little guy was a " Money Tree". Well, now I knew it was fate. I NEED MONEY, maybe this new plant was meant to bring me luck ! So I sauntered up to the till, with my little present to ME, and as I proudly watched her ring it through, I just about dropped. My little plant here it seems was $14.00 dollars !!!!!! For a friggin little 4" potter. I sheepishly asked to put it back.Hmmpphhh, No wonder it was called a goddamned MONEY TREE.
Here I Go !!!
Well, I am almost completed the modules in my dog grooming course. After I finish the two that are left, complete a memory exam, and submit a couple more subject photos. I will have earned my diploma (hopefully w/ honors)But, the exciting news that I just received is that I got a job !!!! As a groomer at a kennel/grooming facility. They know I do not have the practical experience and they are willing to train in that area. Also, the training would be by a "Certified Master Groomer" They are allowing me to start in September, when the kids are back in school. I also can work my hours around the school hours, and can choose how many days I would like to work. How much better does it get than that. I am excited about finally having a personal goal and acomplishing it. Regardless of how it was viewed by certain others. I might even say I am proud of myself.Now let's just hope that I am a good at the practical experience, and can stay on. Because if not I would have to open a shop and call it "Bald is Beautiful"
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