Kids !
Yeah, imagine the embarrasement at having to call in to work to let them know I cannot make it in, because my son's tongue is stuck to our fence.Yup, that was me this morning. Not to mention that apparently in -30 C my jeep decided that it did not feel that it was necessary to be able to close the doors all the way.But back to the tongue thing..... I would like to know how many hundreds of thousands of kids have done this very thing, even though parents have warned against it. And of course being forewarned, because the parents are usually part of the hundreds of thousands who have also done this very thing.What is this ? A friggin right of passage or something ?You are not truly Canadian until you too have frozen your toongue to a pole ?!?!I mean seriously, what in the world posseses us to do such a thing. What, are you walking by, and think to yourself " Hmm, there is a frozen pole, I am going to go over there and lick it."Not a smart idea, kinda dangerous actually, if you think about it.How do you call for help with your face stuck to a pole. " ahhllpppp, uummmm, I ung ichh uck oo a ole. ahhllppp !"
Frozen Treat ????
I found a new dog poop complaint.... Apparently, at -25 C it is just not your ordinary poo, but POOPSICLES !I must have been there forever trying to get that off cement.Sigh..... Welcome To My World.
And It Begins....
Well, the first bit of snow fell yesterday. Yippee !!!That is, until I had to drive in it.Yup, those telephone poles seem to jump right out at you, I tell ya.I think I had a heart attack for #@%$ sake.It only snowed a bit too, it has snowed off and on all day today. So tomorrow should be loads of fun.Yes, living in the country, sooooo nice. Especially since we are all supposed to be big tough farmers in our heavy duty tractor trucks out here, why the hell bother plowing the road until at least noon.Can't wait to leave for work tomorrow morning..... Yeehaw !
Re-training Mission
Seriously, this is what we need to teach the dogs at my work !Could you imagine if it was the other way around.... I mean dogs having to pick up after their people, and wiping their bums !Gawd, they have it made.Now, if only I can come up with a way to teach them how to pick up their own poop. I have never picked up so much poop in my life, as when I have started working at a kennel. Well, I guess that stands to reason, but still !Speaking of poop.... why does it seem like the dogs try to make a game out of it. Like, let's see who can poop in the weirdest spot, and watch Lisa try to pick it up !! They are probably soooooooo laughing on the inside.Have you ever tried to pick up poo from the side of a chain link fence ? Can someone even figure out how they managed not only to poo there, but to get it to stay !!How about inside the half a tire that they sleep in. Or in-between the rubber mats, so that you end up squishing it trying to get it out. My personal favourite, half inside the fence half outside.Sigh... I could go on and on about poop, but I suppose it is probably not a topic that many want to read about.I guess it is kind of ........... Shitty !!!hahahahahah
Kumawna Wana Lei Ya
...... NOT !!!!!!I am actually talking about a kids birthday party here !Talk about stress.My daughter is turning 10 years old this Sunday, and as if that does not add enough stress by making me feel old, but I have to plan and make a tropical luau part a reality, for 9 pre-teen girlies.The party of choice for my little girl, is a Hawaiian one, since her birthday is in between autumn and winter, and not much she can do for it in the way of events, since she is recovering from a broken ankle.I, as the awesome, wonderful, bestest, coolest ( oops getting carried away ) mom that there is, said yes.So I have been making the mad scrambles to the dollar store, wal-mart, etc.I have come up with tropical decorations, lei's for everyone, plus a grass skirt for the birthday girl. There are umbrella straws for tropical ( non-alcholic EXCEPT FOR MINE - drinks ) Paper lanterns, hawaiian themed games. and I have even made a cd of hawaiian and beach party music. That is dedication !!!!But you know what, all of these simple little things are about to give me a heart attack ! You would think I was planning a wedding for a King for heaven's sake !!!I can't make her look like a dork. She has to come off as cool yet age appropriate. I want the other moms to think I am like the best mom EVER ! And all of this worry over 8 giggling, chattery, silly, pre-teenies. That will not even remember the event.Sigh...... the stress of a mom.
What Do You Blog When........
What does one blog about, when there is nothing to blog about at that moment.I mean, for some reason, you feel obligated to have a new and witty post at least every couple of days. Lest you let down your legion of fans that read the blog - lol.So..... I am at that point this very minute. Nothing new and witty in my life at the moment. So what to write ?Well, then I came up with the brilliant ( hee hee hee ) idea to blog about nothing. Nothing in particular anyways.It would be interesting to see how big of an entry one can post about nothing, Especially since "nothing" can be either small or huge in your life. "Nothing" can mean alot of things.When I sat down at the computer and placed my hands on the keyboard, I said to myself, "Self, just take a deep breath, relax and let my nimble fingers guide me."..... They kind of just sat there for a moment, as if to say ok dummy so what are we going to write about. Then, slowly at first, they started, as if they had a mind of their own. I guess that is how this is taking place right this very moment.I did not know that fingers had so much to say about nothing.I wonder if that is how they saying " Much Ado About Nothing" came about.Well, all this nothing is starting to wear me out, plus I do not want to be late for work, and my excuse be "nothing". So I am off into the world of something.
Speaking Of Funny Pets...

I read a blog entry today about a funny kitty, it reminded me of my silly little guy Buddy. Tonight when I was done using my heating pack, he decided that it might make his back feel better too !!!
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