Monday, September 26, 2005
Civilization or Nature
Surrounded by the jungle;
Smothered by the fog;
Isolated in the forest;
Industrialized in the city;
Lonely for some company;
Longing for solitude;
You want to get away from it all;
Yet, bring it all with you.
This cannot be.
We live either here or there,
not in between.
We must remain in one;
or destroy both.
Smothered by the fog;
Isolated in the forest;
Industrialized in the city;
Lonely for some company;
Longing for solitude;
You want to get away from it all;
Yet, bring it all with you.
This cannot be.
We live either here or there,
not in between.
We must remain in one;
or destroy both.
Thursday, September 22, 2005

I have gained some insight last night that I was somewhat due for. I made comment on a friends blog that seemed like wonderful knowledge at the time - this being from my somewhat small world. There is a neivety about people when it comes to a global aspect. Earth and the global issuse seem so vast and immense as earth is pictures above ( blue ) But if we gain perspective and realize that there are issues bigger than ourselves and our own lives, all of a sudden the world seems so small ( as pictured alongside jupiter ) All can be viewed in different lights and have different outcomes - dependant upon our perspective in life.
I want to apologize to my friend for have a "small" perspective. And vow in future to be mindful for having a "larger" picture of life, and to realize that I cannot possibly imagine the vastness of others lives and how they may be affected day to day, in our truly small world.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Out for a walk

I know it must seem weird for me to have a line drawing of a lower jaw bone.... but there is a sane reason.... really there is. PROMISE.
I was out for a hike with my dog Buddy yesterday and began to get nervous when I came across a couple of Bear "markings" along the way. Especially because we suprised one the other day. I probably should not be walking up there alone, but so be it. My fearless companion will save me..... all 10lbs of him - hee hee hee.
Anyways.... back to the jaw bone picture. Well we are walking along, me talking loudly to Buddy, singing, shuffling my feet. Anything to generate plenty of noise. Halfway through I look down and see this funny looking piece of "wood" with strange "bumps" on it. Upon further inspection I realized that it was the right lower jaw of some kind of animal !
Now for someone who in their childhood days wanted to be an archaeologist - this was pretty cool. So I took it home, and showed the kids when they got back from school, they thought it was pretty neat that Mommy was a bone finder and was willing to touch it with bare hands and everything.
I spent part of the evening surfing the net to see if I could identify it. This is what I found. It is most definately canine. I have narrowed it down to more than likely to be that of a coyote.
I wonder if Indiana Jones is hiring !! - ha ha ha
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Finally Found One

Yea !
I finally found a " Venus Fly Trap " I have not had one of these since I was about 5 years old. I was telling my kids about them, and they did not believe me. They were sure mommy was telling them a Golly Whopper.
I brought it home today after spying it at our local fruit and garden centre, Swan Lake. The kids were ver mystified as I went outside, caught a nymph with some tweezers and fed it to the "trap". Their eye lit up as the plant closed around the bug in mere second.
What a fun educational plant. I may even get one for their classroom !
I think I am having more fun than the kids, but oh well.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The Big One

.... Yesterday was my birthday, and as you can guess by the picture it was quite a monumental one ! ( For me anyway ) Besides having a coronary everytime I realize I can no longer say that I am in my 20's I am doing ok.
Although.....according to the lady at the spa, that is not the case.
I was treated to a facial and massage for a birthday present, and I was beyond excited. I have a bad neck so this was going to be PERFECT.... or so I thought.
While I was in the midst of a most relaxing massage I sighed, " what a way to start my decline into middle age" meaning that is where I am headed now.
BUT - the oh so nice spa lady says " oh its your birthday, you're 40 ?
WELL LET ME TELL YOU - that was it for relaxing. Whaddaya mean 40. Geeze. I was paranoid for months that I was turning 30, now I might as well be 50.
Tell me, how can you relax and enjoy a massage, while you are vulnerably covered with only a thin sheet as it is, and now you have just been aged 10 years.
I think I am going to eat my entire birthday cake tonight !!! That oughta show her....... right ??????
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Eeeek !!!!!

Well, today was quite the day, or should I say last night.... I don't know anymore as they have blended together. I did not end up sleeping last night at all, so am running on adrenalin....... here is how it all began :
I live in an area that is out of the city surrounded by forest and farm land. Needles to say this attracts some unwanted guests sometimes. I have been explained to by many that this is a common experience.... but it still seems sooooooo gross. Anyway, since the first experience ( last year) I have my house properly booby trapped. And shed many a tear, because live trapping would not work in this situation. But not any "guests" since the last year episode. PS - my house is very clean and is only three years old, just in case anyone was wondering.
So.... last night my dog would not settle down. He wanted something behind my bedroom dresser ( 1am ) I get up and move my dresser AND BEHOLD. A "guest" has left their calling card. Buddy senses that the "guest" is present in the room and is intent on finding it. So this leads to me and my dog tearing my room apart. We find the dirty little "guest" and the chase is on. Buddy is running, "guest" is running. I am sweating and chanting eww eww eww, yuck. Followed by Get em Buddy Get em !!!!!.
Well, my poor dog is disapointed when he cannot pull off a victory ( he has to date caught 8 mice outside in the fields on our walks and behind the shed ) BUT AS IF I AM GOING TO SLEEP IN THERE KNOWING IT IS IN THERE SOMEWHERE. EEEWWWWWW.
So now that it is 3am I try to fall asleep in the living room to no avail, but Buddy starts whining again, so back to the bedroom we go on another search. Being wide awake from the adrenalin rush I decide that I am hauling everything out of every drawer and the closet and going to "clean house" so to speak.
Well at 5am I decide I should probably lay down as the "thing" is proably long gone into hiding now. But I am scared of sleeping in because I have to get up at 6am to get kids ready for school. So I decide to stay up.
After the kids go to school I spend my day, hauling everything out of my bedroom, thoroughly disenfecting,and then putting things back in order. I set a few new traps. ( knowing my paranoia it is probably better described as a minefield ) AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW......... This evening my "guest" checked out so tospeak.
I am still awake and I have no idea why !!!!!
All this over one tiny little helpless creature trying to find a place out of the rain, and coming cold. Well not in MY house BUCKO !!!!!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
The Fair

This is called "SpinOut" one of the rides my 8 year old thrill seeker daughter rode at our annual fair. I just picked up my pictures today and it reminded me of all the fun we had. Talk about a fun day full of sights, sounds, and smells. I even resisted the fairs famous food grounds, however I did not leave completely empty handed. I mean who can resist a piece of homemande chocolate fudge. Certainly not me ! My children and I were at the fair for about 7 or 8 hours, and we did not even have time to cover the rodeo ground events. That was strictly viewing all the animals, and riding the horrific rides ( which I cannot do )
How can kids do that anyway..... at what point in our lives did grownups develop a sense of fear, and lose our sense of careless abandon. Kind of sucks growing up doesn't it ?
But needless to say, the full day of standing, walking, cheering them on, and seeing their beautiful ear to ear grins and lit up eyes was well worth it. Even fighting off the wasps. I guess thats why my mom made sure to take me every year, and now I the same !
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Domestic Engineer Vs Career Woman

Well, today was the first day that I knew what it felt like to have both of my kids in school. Man, the things you can accomplish in your day when you are not berraged with... mommy, look at this. mommy, come here quick, mommy look at the bug I just caught, mommy, my sock is stuck in the air conditioner again.........
Now don't get me wrong - I love my kids to death, in fact, I have always been a full time working mom until this January, I finally decided not to ignore feelings of missing out on being a " there for you mom" I have taken an indetermined leave. I feel very gratified by this.
I was able to volunteer in my childrens kindergarten class and grade 3 class. My kids loved me being there for their field trips, sports days, concerts, and special days.
I know though that it is going to have to come to an end sooner or later. I will have to return to the workforce. I am at a crossroads on top of all of this as well.
I would like to be able to work part time - but probably not be able to afford it. Let me just give a kudos to all you moms at home who are able to manage it, wonderful work and I admire you.
But before my days of "can I just have that, I won't ask for anything else ever in my whole life", " but we're just wrestling mom..." and "he started it" added with the fact that no matter what by the end of the day my clothes will be sporting a peanut butter or jam blob that I did not notice. I will cherish every moment I get to lay my eyes on them, knowing that because I finally listened to my inner desire, I have learned to be a better mom.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
My Other Baby

I Thought I would add a picture of my "other baby" This is Buddy. He is a 2 yr old Yorkie/Silky Terrier. He is the best. I remember the day I got him as well as the days I had my children. I cried like a baby !!!!!
He is extremely smart, fast, agile, and loving. How could you resist a cutie like this !!!!!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Time To Make A Choice
Hello All,
I have come to the decision that it is time for me to get back on the ol wagon again, and try to make it a lifetime change. I am struggling with serious overweightness and I fear that there are soon going to be health reprocussions that I will not be able to change. My kids do not deserve that. So I guess that I will start tomorrow, and will keep a posting of my struggles, successes, and rages.
Here are my stats as of right now...... gawd it feels weird typing it down. I never tell anyone and here now the whole world is witness. That means there is no denying it. OK HERE GOES.....
Height : 5'6
Age : turn 30 next week
Current Weight............... 230lbs.... oh gawd I cannot really truly believe it.
I used to be sooooo pretty and healthy and active. What went wrong !!!!!!!!!!
:( Lisa
I have come to the decision that it is time for me to get back on the ol wagon again, and try to make it a lifetime change. I am struggling with serious overweightness and I fear that there are soon going to be health reprocussions that I will not be able to change. My kids do not deserve that. So I guess that I will start tomorrow, and will keep a posting of my struggles, successes, and rages.
Here are my stats as of right now...... gawd it feels weird typing it down. I never tell anyone and here now the whole world is witness. That means there is no denying it. OK HERE GOES.....
Height : 5'6
Age : turn 30 next week
Current Weight............... 230lbs.... oh gawd I cannot really truly believe it.
I used to be sooooo pretty and healthy and active. What went wrong !!!!!!!!!!
:( Lisa